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Brucart Titán

107.711 / 8 435179 477117

No: 107.711

Bar code:8 435179 477117


Size: Length: 185 mm. Width 120 mm. Height 45 mm. Weigh

Features:Stainless Steel Body Internationally patented vertical extraction system. Depth scale to control so that it does not pass through the cork and leave c

Product Detail

Corkscrews which are innovative and different, with a progressive vertical extraction system very easy to use by everyone and requires little effort to extract the cork. The extraction system is protected by an international patent. It has a depth scale which allows for control so that the spiral does not pass through the cork. The spiral is teflon-coated and has a blade for cutting the capsule that covers the neck of the bottle.

Stainless Steel Interior
Zamak Alloy Steel Exterior (zinc, aluminium, copper & magnesium)
Steel Teflón-coated Spiral.
Steel Blade.
