Ca`Maiol was estabilished in 1967 by Walter Contato.Its name derives from the provencal origins of the Contato family.The Provenza Farmer winery lies in the heart of the zone known as “Lugana” very close to the Sirmione peninsula,about 1 km.from the Garda Lake. The Provenza includes four farms: the main one, with the headquarters, is called “Caio-lo”; the other are: Molino, Rocchetta and Storta. The cultivation of 120 Hectares of vineyards (production of about 1 million bottles a year) is still traditional. All spray treatments are studied to “prevent” the spread of diseases. The progress they have achieved has brought them to the pinnacle of the local wine - growing industry. The well-equipped modern cellars are designed for the processes instead of chemical ones, so to save the genuineness and typicalness of the wine. Thanks to the high quality of its wines, the Farm has received many awards at both domestic and international level, such as the Gold Medal in Bordeaux and the prestigious “Prix the Excellence” in Paris. The exports, besides North-Europe, reach the U.S.A., China, Japan and Thailand.